What are the basic but detailed steps to consider in servicing a laptop or notebook cooling pad device? I am currently using a cooling pad for notebook or laptop computers with two fans. In recent times I have realized that the fans have caught up with much dust and I would like to get a definite steps to clean these dusts or dirt. Thank you.
Steps to consider as a young nonprofessional technician
Try this simple and economical ways of cleaning electronic equipment: First, unplug the cooling pad from power supply. Second, use a clean cloth and start wiping the dirt and dust. Third, you may use Pledge cleaner. Fourth, use cotton buds or small duster enough to reach those small spaces. Just make sure that you won't be forcing anything that may result in detaching a component. If you are adventurous, you may try dismantling the unit to get it really cleaned-up at your own risk. Take a lot of caution and be careful not to damage the unit.