What the latest gadgets of 2011 were

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I have been assigned to write technical specifications for some past year gadgets for a technology magazine which specialized in gadgets review can anybody tell what the latest gadgets of 2011 were

Best Answer by Booth Laprade
Answered By 0 points N/A #180985

What the latest gadgets of 2011 were


Gadgets are very popular. Widely used gadgets are iPhone, MacBook, smartphones as well as other modern devices. I want to say that according to People's Choice, the best 10 gadgets of 2011 are "BlackBerry Playbook", "Nintendo 3DS", "LG Star", "iPad 2", "Chrome OS Netbooks", "Motorola Android 3.0 tablets", "PSP Phone", "New HP/Palm devices", "ElectroHub wireless charger" & "iPhone 5".

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #180986

What the latest gadgets of 2011 were


The best thing to start a year is changing what we have. And when it comes to change technology specifically gadgets are the fast one. We always look forward for the new gadgets to come and wishing that we could have them all. This coming 2011 the top 10 gadgets that we must look forward:


1.   Blackberry Playbook

2.   Verizon iPhone 4

3.   Motorola Xoom

4.   Polaroid GL20 Camera Sunglasses

5.   Earthmate GPS

6.   HTC Sensation 4G

7.   Samsung Nexus S 4G

8.   Apple iPad 2

9.   Nintendo 3DS

10. LG Star

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