Steps and commands to Patch iso file system
Can someone please post the steps and commands I can use to patch ISO file system in MS Command prompt?
Can someone please post the steps and commands I can use to patch ISO file system in MS Command prompt?
Command prompt can patch ISO file without using any extra software. For this, /mnt/disk must exist in command line. Linux command line-
mount-o loop disk.iso /mnt/disk
For windows 8
C:>explorer.exe D:DiskImagefilename.iso
Here D is used to indicate the drive letter.
PowerISOÂ can be used with command prompt such way-
 piso mount d: filename.iso F:
Here F is used to indicate the location of to be mounted.
Hi there,
This is the process to mount ISO filesystem on Windows 8. Please note that ISO mounting capability is built right into the new windows operating system 8.
All you need to do is right-click, double – click, or select and use the Ribbon to Mount an ISO image.
Once you’ve done so, you’ll see the ISO mounted as a new drive under Computer. When you want to unmount, you can right-click there to unmount.