Remote Desktop Disconnected on Windows Server 2003

Asked By 420 points N/A Posted on -

Hi friends,

We have Windows Server 2003 with SP2 installed in our office.

Our clients remotely log in to the server and then use TS for some applications.

This setup was working correctly for last three months.

Since yesterday evening, one client used by our production supervisor started getting error using remote connectivity.  When he tried to remotely connect to the server he got the error…

Remote Desktop Disconnected

The remote session was disconnected because the local computer’s client access license could not be upgraded or renewed.

Please contact the administrator.

Other clients are just working fine without this or any other error. I tried restarting the server as well as the client but the problem persists.

I can try to connect using other user account from the same client machine but again the same error appears.

Any idea about how to restore connectivity as this client is used for production scheduling which is a vital step for our company business.

Best Answer by Steafen hawking
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #118447

Remote Desktop Disconnected on Windows Server 2003


O dear, it is a problem that can be solved by using another server on your NETWORK because the number of users are limited in a Network through one computer so what you have to do it is to create another Server. This can solve your problem; also you can increase the numbers of users just by asking to Microsoft or what ever your window is. You can get permissions for more users on your NETWORK. The maximum number that can connect through a PC is 10 although you have to check it also by your self because I am not conformed about it that what you set while installing your server.

Anyhow in your case its looks like the user ended problem but there may be some other reason for that such that check your IP's if there is no conflict in it. It is also because of the speed you are using in your NETWORK may be it is very low and that's why it is creating problems.

I hope this will help you lot.

Answered By 0 points N/A #118449

Remote Desktop Disconnected on Windows Server 2003


The reason of which the error is the way of license of terminal server is established in by the device of Terminal Server, while the servant is formed license way to express only for user client licenses of access , next, servant licenses them question only temporary licenses that it is not possible to update.

Solution: To change the way of license on Terminal Server of into device for the user, both workstations must have the same license way.

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