PS3 DNS error code – 80710102

Asked By 90 points N/A Posted on -

Hi TechyV buddies!

I am having some problem with my PS3. This happens very often. Every time I login and play online games, the game suddenly disconnects and I get this error message:

PS3 DNS error – 80710102

Can anyone tell me the problem? I really need some help here. Thank you!

Answered By 0 points N/A #148680

PS3 DNS error code – 80710102



To fix the problem do the following:

1. Open the 'Network Setting' under the general option/setting are of your console.

2. Scroll down to 'Internet connection' setting

3. Select 'Yes'

4. Select 'Auto-Detect' if you use a wired connection

5. Enter the security type of your network followed by the network name and the password if you use wireless connection.

7. Select 'Automatic' for IP Address setting

8. Select the option that says 'Do Not Set' for the DHCP Host Name

9. Set the DNS setting as Manual

10. Enter the number for your primary DSN

11. Enter the number for secondary DSN

12. Place the MTU as Automatic

13. Use proxy server as 'Do Not Use'

14. Have your uPnP Enabled

15. Press the 'X' button twice to save the setting.

I think your problem has been solved.


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