I have been using Windows 7 for quite some time but I have since switched to Linux, precisely Ubuntu 14. There is a huge difference between the two and although they both function perfectly, there are a couple of things that I need to know. While in windows, I could search easily for the software installed by using the everything.exe tool. I want to do the same in Linux but I cannot. Please help
Program auto-search in Ubuntu Linux
Like windows there are so many searching tool available in Ubuntu to search file. One of the best and recommended searching tool for Ubuntu is GNOME Tool. The application can search file matching the file names as well as matching the file content. It is lightweight tool, but a little bit slow.
Other most popular searching tool for Ubuntu is RECOLL. It indexes for all types of documents and provides faster search result.
Another few searching tools for Ubuntu are DocFetcher, launchy, Synapse.