Processing codes (moving objects at the edge)

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

How can i make an object move in processing 1.5.1? I had this project in my IT class. Then, we are tasked to make the square move at the edges(from left to right, up to bottom, right to left and bottom to up), not using state variable. Help me please! Thanks. 

Answered By 590495 points N/A #97403

Processing codes (moving objects at the edge)


In programming language, you may use different type of software programming language. Visual Basic, Visual Fox-pro, C++, Cobol and other older version of programming applications. Different software programming has it's own pros and cons that you can explore. Although, you may get the same results once the software is finished but the structure and how it's made and created are different in codes. Below are the steps on how to move left and right, up and down the object. It's pretty confusing at first if you are not familiar with the software programming and the type of coding. But when you get to used on how it's built, I'm pretty sure that you will make a software that you will be proud of.

This code can be program using Visual Basic 6 and or in Foxpro. The object can be move up down, left and right.

Here's how.

Private Sub Commanda_Click()
Imagea.Top = Imagea.Top + 10
End Sub

Private Sub Commandb_Click()
Imagea.Top = Imagea.Top = 10
End Sub

Private Sub commandc_Click()
Imagea.Left = Image1.Left + 10
End Sub

Private Sub Commandd_Click()
Imagea.Left = Imagea.Left-10
End Sub

This codes allows you to move up down, left right.

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