Hi Experts,
Please help me on my problem, i am using Windows XP Pro computer. I am facing a problem with that sometimes I am getting an error message. The error message is like that ‘Fatal System error. The Windows Login stopped working.’ Then it is to be restarted by pressing the reset button. Please help me to fix this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Problem using Windows XP Pro Computer
Dear Frank,
I suggest to consult a technical people that will help you on this problem. Seek assistance in the computer shop. You can also try this first.
1. If you are encountering the problems in your installation for the new device or software or system service, disable the software or driver.
2. When you are experiencing error on your system startupÂ
RESTART the computer
Press F8 In the windows Option menu choose the Last Known Configuration option.
Check if the partition is in FAT formatted then use MS-DOS, use startup disk to enable to access your computer hard disk.Â
If your partition is formatted to NTFS file, use safemode in order to rename and delete the problematic software.
If it's not working, ask help on technical support.
I can recommend on next time you should make back up on your data to external devices like disk and hard disk or USB Sticks.
Best Regards,
Flair Bala
Problem using Windows XP Pro Computer
Hi Dear,
It is not so complicated problem.
It seems that you have problem with your system's hardware and it is also possible that windows files are also corrupted.
You have to check some components of computer and installed windows.
First check that RAM is working properly. When RAM is not connected properly in the slot, then system will frequently generates such errors and restarts. Connect your RAM after cleaning it.
Also check hard disk cables and also check it for bad sectors. For this you should use Hiren Boot CD. This CD has many utilities for hard disk checking.
You can download it from this link.
If you find everything alright, then check it for virus. And reinstall window for more better performance.