Asked By
Jose V Lau
20 points
Posted on - 06/04/2013
I am new at using PowerPoint and I have to make about 8 slides with different animations (text and image). The problem is that I have to present this presentation at a night club using a pen drive or a CD and the slides have to continue till morning. Can anyone give me a hand? I feel I’m going crazy.
Present PowerPoint Animations using Pen drive
Hi there Jose V Lau,
The answer to your question is quite simple. Just build your presentation, create slides the way you'd like and before saving it in the final format open the Slide Show menu and click Set Up Show. You will see the option Loop continuously until 'Esc', so check the box next to that option. That will make your presentation loop as long as needed  and you're all ready to go.
Best regards,
Drake Vivian