Points To Be Considered For Starting Your Own Computer Repair Business

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello. I have completed my graduation in computer engineering and I have a very good knowledge of computer repairing so I am planning to start my own computer repair business so what are the points that I should consider for this?

Answered By 0 points N/A #297264

Points To Be Considered For Starting Your Own Computer Repair Business



Certainly, you need to consider some relevant points before starting your own computer repair business. First of all you need to let people know about your business through different sources like Facebook, WhatsApp, radio, posters, banners, etc.

Then you should choose a very good friendly location for your business like in the centre of market area so that people could easily find out your shop ,you can also hire some people who will go to respective homes for repairing to ensure good home services and then of course you need to set some reasonable and affordable prices for your repair services. I think with these points considered you will succeed with your plans.

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