The page is faulty with asterisks 3 page frames

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


Can anyone help me here? The FIFO page trace analysis I am working on indicates that the page is faulty with asterisks 3 page frames in the order of

abacabdbacd. Thanks for your help.

Answered By 0 points N/A #150357

The page is faulty with asterisks 3 page frames


Hello Jed,

Are you working on a Site? or a Software?
If you're working on creating a website page. Then most likely you are having loose codes. Programming languages are very sensitive to syntax codes. In order to debug the problem you need to find  exactly the location of the bug you are having. Then fix it there.
If you are working on a Software, you might need to re install the program. Sometimes softwares go haywire due to unknown reasons. Reinstalling it should solve the problem you are having.

Hope this helps you solve the problem

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