OpenCV startup tutorial hello world tutorial

Asked By 230 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

I am very much interested in open CV and recently started to code with it too. But unfortunately, I don’t see much of a tutorial for my level. So it is becoming difficult to continue. I am struggling with the very basics. Not all the functions are compatible with every release. Can you find me a 'hello world” type tutorial where I can get started?

Best Answer by Britney Camden
Answered By 0 points N/A #101320

OpenCV startup tutorial hello world tutorial


You won't find any 'hello world type” in the open world. And yes the documentation is really bad. It is true for other image processing libraries too. Maybe because image processing libraries are NOT intended to be used by newbie’s. Well, as you asked for it. Here is a “simple” tutorial:

Answered By 230 points N/A #101321

OpenCV startup tutorial hello world tutorial


Thanks very much. Good to see your reply, but the tutorial was very specific to Visual Studio. I need one to clarify the different functions.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #101322

OpenCV startup tutorial hello world tutorial


You want  a hello world literally? Ok here it is.

#include <opencvcv.h>

#include <opencvhighgui.h>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


    IplImage* img = cvLoadImage("helloworld.bmp");

                cvShowImage("welcome to CV!", img);


                cvDestroyWindow("welcome to CV!");

                cvReleaseImage( &img );

                return 0;


You have to create an image, with any image editing program (paint) to save a file of any size in the name "helloworld.bmp".  To make the program work. Analyze the code, and you will be good to go.

Answered By 230 points N/A #101323

OpenCV startup tutorial hello world tutorial


Thanks that was really a good starting point.

Answered By 230 points N/A #101325

OpenCV startup tutorial hello world tutorial


Thanks, this was kind of stuff I am looking for.

Answered By 0 points N/A #101326

OpenCV startup tutorial hello world tutorial


You are welcome.

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