My computer is making sound like tit tit.

Your PC configuration is nice. But you are facing problem in your PC. It can be happened for many reason. Firstly you have to check the source of the sound. Is it coming from the CPU,monitor or sound box ? If it is coming from soundbox then you don't have to worry. Naturally it doesn't come from monitor. If it is coming from CPU, it may because of motherboard. Motherboard's BIOS often makes this kind of piculiar sound. But it is not a serious issue,your PC is still running well. But it sometimes makes serious damage. So to get rid of this you should change your BIOS chip or battery . For better service go to your nearest servicing centre.
The sound you hear is what we called the Power On Self Test (POST) sounds. These are sounds produced by the Basic Input Output System (BIOS) indicating errors and good initialization of hardware.
The sound “beep beep” or “tit tit” as you describe the sound indicating your system is Ok.
If you hear a sound like continuous long beep even if your display doesn’t showed up any characters from the CPU, you will identify the real problem by that sound. You may search on the internet about the error beep codes so that you may learn more about this. This was originally started by IBM machines.