Maximum amount of Memory any Single process

Any process in a windows operating system access only virtual memory it depends on the windows versions which at present you are working with.
Different processes consume different level of virtual memory this can be seen by Monitoring RAM and Virtual Memory Usage. Primary function for this purpose is Performance Monitor. Open control Panel and click on Performance Information and Tool and then click on Advanced Tools and finally open Performance Monitor.
Here you can find some useful statistics of your windows operating system like Memory usage or Total Bytes used, Actively used Virtual Memory, %age of PageFiles in use, PageFile Percentage, Memory used in Pages per second and Memory used in Pages Output per second.
It can be either 32 bit or 64 bit of memory which can be assessed by a processor. It is just like a window through which a computer looks its resources and then make some functions.
Windows defines the way a processor will see the memory and window is designed to see for memory in a computer. As a 32 bit memory window will be able to access 32 bit memory and a 64 bit will be able to access 64 bits at a time form memory that is the basic concept of memory access in a computer.
Other thing is that the bus defines the way a memory will proceed in a computer but it is a complicated process and can be understand by process theory.
But i hope you are able to get your answer now.