This machine does not have the Microsoft Windows.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I have installed ComboFix to remove malwares. But it's not working yet and message displaying 'MS Windows recovery console' is not installed. I don't know what is the correlation between these two and how to install Windows Recovery Console.

I need your suggestion regarding the matter.


Microsoft Windows Recovery Console

This machine does not have the ‘Microsoft Windows recovery console’ installed

without it, ComboFix shall not attempt the fixing of same serious infections.

Click 'Yes' to have ComboFix download/install it.

NOTE: this requires an active internet connection.

                      Yes                           No

Best regards,


Answered By 0 points N/A #90327

This machine does not have the Microsoft Windows.



Combofix requires that you install Windows recovery console before it can proceed with its purpose. You will not be able to run this program unless you install this console from Microsoft.
Once you receive the message above, click YES to install and follow the on-screen instruction of installing the file. Once it has finished installing, a screen similar to the one below will appear:



You will then need to press yes again to continue with using Combofix. If automatically installing the Console using Combofix does not work then you may use your Windows XP CD to install it. Follow the steps below:
1. Close out all running windows and insert the XP CD into the drive.
2. Press Start button then select Run.
3. Once the Run window appears, type this command on the Open: field:
a. CD/DVD drive letter (ex. D):
b. i386winnt32.exe /cmdcons.
c. This should appear similar to the image below:
4. Click OK once done. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the file.


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