Language Settings of MS Office 2007

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I’m having trouble with language settings on my Microsoft Office 2007. The language was set to Irish, so the thesaurus and spell checker won’t work with it.

I feel very bad because sometimes my spelling in English are wrong and I can’t correct it. Can you please help me on how to change the language settings to English in all of my MS Office programs?

Best Answer by lee hung
Answered By 0 points N/A #99751

Language Settings of MS Office 2007


To change your language settings on Microsoft go to start menu -> Programs -> Microsoft office -> Microsoft office Tools. Now click on Microsoft office 2007 Language settings and navigate to display language tab. Select the user interface language from the Display menus and dialogs in box.

Now click on the Editing Languages tab and select the language you want to use and click on add button. If you want you can add more than one language. Select the language which you want to set as primary in the Primary editing language box. This Primary language will be the one which you want to use frequently.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 75 points N/A #99752

Language Settings of MS Office 2007



Language settings in Office applications could be changed. Users can always use Tools to modify the settings. 
1.        Click Start menu and select Programs > MS Office> MS Office Tools.
2.        Select Language Settings MS Office 2007 
3.        Choose tab ‘Display Language’.  This tab is displayed when the computer installed different language versions i.e. more than one version.
4.        Click Display menus and dialogs in box and choose user interface language.
5.        Then Display Help in box, choose a language if help online is needed.
6.        If help language is not specified, user interface language will be set by default.
7.        Select tab ‘Editing Languages’
8.        Choose language available for editing and finally choose Add.
9.         Repeat these steps for additional language. 
9.        In the box, select your primary language with Office documents and applications.
Answered By 10 points N/A #99753

Language Settings of MS Office 2007


Heiley Paint,

I went through all the steps you mentioned above. And I was able to change the language setting on my MS Office 2007. Thank you. Great Help Techyv Team.

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