A keychain cannot found to store “sysboy”

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Experts,

I am unable to access my account using ical it says something about keychain etc.

I am not able to get how to resolve this issue? 

Need help regarding this.

Thanks for all help and support.

Keychain Not found:

A keychain cannot found to store “sysboy”

Best Answer by Johnstoon Leen
Answered By 0 points N/A #144801

A keychain cannot found to store “sysboy”


Hi Josh,

I have read the problem, and this might be due to the authentication failure between iCal and server.

Please delete all preferences, caches and clean up the keychain.

Run the 10.6.3 Combo updater.

This will add password to the keychain and then you can access the iCal.

Hope this will resolve your issue.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #194863

A keychain cannot found to store “sysboy”


Hi Josh Pikee

This type of problems can happen with keychain created by MAC. 

Well you need to know that whenever an application trying to access the keychain for the very first time in MAC, there will be a password prompt appears. 
If you even entered a correct password the “Remember this password in my keychain” check-box is selected and alert pop up may appear. 
Keychain can be renamed, deleted or maybe it’ll be on unmounted volume. 
You may click cancel or reset to defaults and the alert may appear again and again. 
If you clicked two times to “Reset to Default”, there will be new and empty key chain created. 
This issue will no long occur. 
There is a solution for this issue. 
You may want to recover the original keychain and former passwords. 
You should follow these steps.
If you haven’t clicked “Reset to Default ” yet.
  1. You have to go to ~/Library/Preferences/
  2. And delete the “com.apple.security.plist” file
If you have clicked Reset to Defaults ” one time. 
  1. You have to go to ~/Library/Keychain/ 
  2. And delete login.keychain file. 
  3. Now you have to rename the “login_renamed1.keychain to login.keychain” 
If you have clicked “Reset to Default ” twice 
  1. You have to go to ~/Library/Keychains/ 
  2. And delete the login.keychain 
  3. Now you have to rename the “login_renamed1.keychain to login.keychain” 
I am pretty sure that you’ll get rid of this problem. I hope you’ll solve your problem. Best of Luck! 
Johnstoon Leen

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