Issue with AccuWeather Software on Windows 7

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have an AccuWeather gadget installed on my HP Compaq laptop. Suddenly, I cannot move it and it stays in the middle of my computer window. I am running Windows 7 and all the components of my AccuWeather are missing. I cannot click or access it. What is the cause of it? How would I fix the issue? Please help. Thanks.

Best Answer by josiel25
Answered By 0 points N/A #114440

Issue with AccuWeather Software on Windows 7


Well there are two options for solving this problem.

1. You can solve this by reinstalling it and install it again.
2. The second option is to repair this application by going to the given site. and click on this "Get Accuweatherdesktop.exe Repair "
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #114442

Issue with AccuWeather Software on Windows 7



You can reinstall you're Accuweather Gadget and reinstall it again using your windows 7, you can download at

With this problem, it is really hard especially if we really need it. Kindly reinstall the AccuWeather and install it again or download the software. If nothing is changing maybe you're Accuweather is not compatible with your Operating System.

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