Hi Experts,
The problem is with my .net framework 3.5. It is throwing the error message: "IPRental has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience" frequently. I reinstalled the software again. I also rebooted my system but no result. How can I get a remedy of this issue? Please help.
Thanks in advance.
IPRental has encountered a problem and needs to close
Hi Gwendolynhunterr,
IPRental suggests users to use their own .Net Framework installer. You can download the installer by clicking on the following link: http://ip-rental.software.informer.com/download/#downloading
However, before reinstalling your .Net Framework using the IPRental installer, you should first remove your current .Net framework and completely clean your computer from fragments of .Net framework previously installed on your computer. This is to make sure that you will not encounter any further issues after installing the new version using the IPRental installer. You can download the .Net Framework Clean Up Tool from the following link: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=27e6a35d1a492af7&id=27E6A35D1A492AF7!390
When you are finally sure that your computer is "clean" from older versions of .Net Framework, proceed with installing the new version using the IPRental installer.
Hopefully this helps.