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Posted on - 12/16/2011
I tried to backup the data from my Apple iPhone 3G S but I get this error message. I do a normal backup of my mobile phone but this is the first time that I encountered this problem. How can I resolve this?
iTunes could not back up the iPhone "Apple" because the backup could not be saved on the computer.
IPhone 3G S Error: Backup Could Not Be Saved
It seems like that the problem is not with the iphone, but with the computer that are trying to save the backup data on. The iTunes that you have installed on that computer may be having problems and therefore you will need to fix that. I will suggest that you try the following:
Restart the computer, because the error could be as result of a temporary malfunction in the iTunes application that could be fixed when you restart the computer.
But in case the error is being caused by a bug in the iTunes application, then you will need to uninstall that application and then get another copy that does not have problems and install it.
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