Hi guys.
Today I was trying to install PowerCLI on a freshly installed Windows 2008 R2 server.
Then I got the following warning:
Can anyone help me? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Error 1406. Could not write value InstallPath to key SoftwareVmware vSphere PSDK Runtime. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key,or contact your support personnel.
Installing VMware vSphere PowerCLI problem.
The recommended solution for this problem is to go to the registry editor and remove the following registry key and sub-keys:
HKLMSoftwareWow6432NodeVMware, Inc.
After that try installing from the scratch and the installation will continue successfully.
Installing VMware vSphere PowerCLI problem.
The solution for this error is to remove registry key (and sub keys):
HKLMSoftwareWow6432NodeVMware, Inc.
After this, the installation will proceed successfully.
The only thing under the VMware, Inc. Registry key is a "volatile" key with a UUIDHost DWord under it.
Export the key, removed it, installed PowerCLI, and the import volatile key back in
Or just Clink ”ignore” in the error and later reinstall it. Exported the volatile key, re-ran the install which then offered the "Repair" option, then imported the key.
Will work fine then..