Information Regarding ASCII Value For Characters Listed

I want information regarding ASCII value for characters. I want to know how they work and how many places are reserved for them. Please someone tell me about this.

I want information regarding ASCII value for characters. I want to know how they work and how many places are reserved for them. Please someone tell me about this.
ASCII value are integer values from 0 to 255 used to represent characters in PC. They are used as computers don’t understand special characters so they need to be represented as numbers which are later converted to binary for the computers to understand. For the complete list, head to the link below-
The term “ASCII” stands for “American Standard Code for Information Interchange.” It is the most common format for text files in computers and on the internet. Because computers can only understand numbers, the ASCII code is the numerical representation of a character like “a” or the at sign “@” or it can also be an action like the Enter.
ASCII was first developed from the telegraph code and its first commercial use was a 7-bit teleprinter code promoted by Bell data services. It was on October 6, 1960 when the work on the ASCII standard started with the initial meeting of the X3.2 subcommittee of the ASA or the American Standards Association which is now called the ANSI or the American National Standards Institute.
The complete ASCII table is composed of 255 characters, excluding “0” for null value, which contains both printing and non-printing characters. The first 32 characters (1-32) are non-printing characters and here are some of them:
Characters from 33 to 255 are printing characters which can be displayed on the screen and here are some of them:
To display the printable characters of the ASCII table on the screen either on the command prompt or in a word processor like Notepad or Microsoft Office Word, press ALT + decimal value of the ASCII code. Visit ASCII Table and Description for the complete listing of the characters.
On the other hand, if someone asked you for your CV in ASCII format, it means he wants your CV in “plain text” with no formatting.