Increase your technical knowledge: DWG file convert to PDF

I want to know about the DWG file and the PDF file. Also, what steps need to be followed for DWG file convert to PDF? How can the file be converted? It is urgent. Thanks in advance.

I want to know about the DWG file and the PDF file. Also, what steps need to be followed for DWG file convert to PDF? How can the file be converted? It is urgent. Thanks in advance.
Hi. The DWG file is a file which is used for use with Computer Aided Design. These files are used all over the world by engineers, architects, designers, etc. A PDF file includes the text, graphics, and images enclosed in it. The file can be converted using an AutoCAD tool. The steps for DWG file convert to PDF are-
1) First, click on the AutoCAD software to open it. Click on the open menu and open the DWG file which needs to be converted. Click on open.
2) Select a layout in which the converted PDF file needs to be printed : select what is to be converted in the plot area and the paper size
3) Click on novaPDF from under the printer/plotter section
4) Open the plot window and click on properties>custom printing options to set the printing settings of novaPDF.
5) Select a location where the converted file needs to be saved and then click on OK.
Hope we helped.