I Face An 800cccd1 Error While Using Windows Live Mail

Examine the 800cccd1 error? Explain the error code briefly, and show the steps to fix this error code, and add the snapshot of the error?

Examine the 800cccd1 error? Explain the error code briefly, and show the steps to fix this error code, and add the snapshot of the error?
The IMAP error code 800cccd1 occurs commonly in the Outlook mail and Windows Live Mail email clients. This error is associated with the Gmail account configured in the email clients. The steps to fix the error code are as follows:
Step 1: Open Windows Live Mail and go to the Menu tab.
Step 2: Select Option followed by Email accounts.
Step 3: Click on the Properties button in the Gmail account.
Step 4: Click on the Servers tab and verify the server settings.
Step 5: Click on the Advanced tab and check the checkbox ‘This server requires a secure connection (SSL).’
Step 6: Click on OK and restart the computer.