I Face A 0x80070422 Error Message

What is the 0x80070422 error? Explain the cause of the error and tell the steps to fix the error and also attach a snapshot of the error.

What is the 0x80070422 error? Explain the cause of the error and tell the steps to fix the error and also attach a snapshot of the error.
Error 0x80070422 usually occurs when you are trying to update Windows through Windows Update, and this prevents you completely from downloading Windows update.
The steps to fix error 0x80070422 are as follows:
• Check Windows Update service is running
Step 1: Open Control Panel and go to Administrative Tools.
Step 2: Find & run services.
Step 3: Find Windows update service and double click it to open its properties.
Step 4: Find Startup Type & from the dropdown list choose Automatic. Click on the Start button and start the service.
Step 5: Click OK to save the settings and restart the computer.
• Disable IPv6
Step 1: Open Control Panel and go to Network and Sharing Center.
Step 2: Find the connection and open its properties.
Step 3: Find IPv6/TCP protocol and uncheck it.
Step 4: Click on OK to save changes.
Restart the computer and check for the occurring error.
• Check Enabled Featured Software Data
Go to Start -> type regedit -> hit Enter to launch the Registry Editor. Locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion Windows UpdateAuto Update. Now, set data value to 1.
• Restart Network List Service
Go to Start -> type run -> double click on the result to launch Run. Type “services.msc” and launch Windows Services. Locate Network List Service -> open it -> select Restart. Try to update again.
• I run Windows 10 update troubleshooter
Go to Start -> Update and Security -> Troubleshoot -> click on Windows Update -> run the troubleshoot.