How To Resolve The 0x8004205 Error?

Hello, I am getting an error 0x8004205 while trying to install Windows from my USB. Please help me to resolve the error. Thank you.

Hello, I am getting an error 0x8004205 while trying to install Windows from my USB. Please help me to resolve the error. Thank you.
Hello, learners. Getting an error while installing Windows from USB, the 0x8004205 error occurs due to the bug in USB, or the type of USB is not NFTS or due to insufficient space in USB. Follow the below methods to fix the 0x8004205 error.
Method 1:
Format USB.
• Go to My PC, select This PC.
• Right-click on the inserted USB the device, click on format.
• In the next window set the format type as NFTS and click on start.
• Try running the Media creation tool, and if the error doesn’t pop, else go to the next method.
Method 2:
Running media creation tool on USB.
• Go to the browser and search and download the media creation tool and copy it into the USB.
• Open and run the media tool on the USB.