How To Fix Dns Error 80710102

Hello, I recently purchased PS3 from eBay. Its been just over a month and I have an error that never seems to go away. Can someone guide me the steps on how to fix DNS Serror 80710102 on PS3.

Hello, I recently purchased PS3 from eBay. Its been just over a month and I have an error that never seems to go away. Can someone guide me the steps on how to fix DNS Serror 80710102 on PS3.
Hi, before I go to explain how to fix dns error 80710102 on PS3, let me give a brief about what is the issue you are facing.
DNS error most typically refers to connectivity issues between your game console and the internet. This error occurs commonly on old PlayStation consoles. But the fix is simpler.
1. Open Settings on your console and select the option called “Network settings”
You will notice that the error is still present on the right-hand side, you can ignore that.
2. Then next select the option called “Internet connection settings”
3. Select Custom option and for DNS settings select Manual
4. You can enter any open DNS known to you or just select the Google’s DNS server address which is or
5. Now save the changes
6. You should be all set