How To Create A Gmail Account And Details.

Last night I was trying to create an account in gmail but failed badly in doing so. Can you please teach me how to create a gmail account? Reply ASAP.

Last night I was trying to create an account in gmail but failed badly in doing so. Can you please teach me how to create a gmail account? Reply ASAP.
It is very easy to create a gmail account. First thing you need to do is open a gmail page and click on create an account. You will be guided to a new page you have to fill all the your details and then click on continue. You also will have to add you phone number and alternate email id so that your account remains protected when you lost your password. Hope this helps.
If you don’t have much knowledge about computers and you want to create a Google account, first, go to Sign in Google Accounts. In there, click “More options”.
In the dropdown list, select “Create account”.
In the “Create your Google Account” screen, fill up the sign up form. When you are finished, click “Next step” at the bottom right of the screen and follow the succeeding instructions. In the sign up form that you need to fill up, under “Name”, you can use your real name when filling up the “First” and “Last” text fields or just a different name you like.
Whatever name you use, both fields have to be filled. You cannot leave one field empty because you cannot proceed to the next step of the registration. Under “Choose your username”, this is where you enter the name of the email you want to use as your Google email address. For example without quotes, “binary_guy”, “juanamajor”, and others. When your account is created, you will have “[email protected]” or “[email protected]”.
For the password, you need to enter it twice for confirmation. First is under “Create a password” and second is under “Confirm your password”. Under “Your current email address”, if you have an existing email address from other mail service providers or just another email address, enter it here.
This email address will be used as your second or alternative email address that can be used for security and account recovery purposes.