Does my Mac have a virus?
My computer with an operating system of mac is not running anymore. When I turn on the computer it just reboot again. Does my mac have a virus? I need a solution for this please help me.
My computer with an operating system of mac is not running anymore. When I turn on the computer it just reboot again. Does my mac have a virus? I need a solution for this please help me.
Did you updated any software on your Mac? Anyways you can try out these – Reset PRAM and Reset SMC. Are you able to
Hello Araceliariana,
If you are able to boot up to the desktop or even to the log in screen then there can be a possibility of any existing virus in your system. On the other hand, if the computer restarts again and again during the booting stages then it is the fault of your system’s hardware. Try, booting in the safe mode or debugging mode if the problem is solved then you need to restore your MAC OS.