How to reformat and fix the multiple problem of a laptop?

Asked By 330 points N/A Posted on -

How to reformat and fix the multiple problem of a laptop?

I have a Panasonic laptop that has low memory and the screen of my laptop has colored vertical lines. I think it has 4-5 vertical lines to it that makes me double my sight. I decided to reformat it. I get my bootable disk and its Windows XP Service Pack 2. I inserted it to the cd rom and then I reboot my laptop. When it windows XP starts up, I noticed that it run really slow maybe it will take an hour to be but it suddenly stack up. After that I reboot it again because it might fix the problem. 

The following are the problem of my laptop: 

* Failure reformat

* Vertical lines

* slow memory

How will I fix the multiple problem of my laptop? Please help..



Best Answer by Jonathon C
Answered By 0 points N/A #108328

How to reformat and fix the multiple problem of a laptop?



1. If your having colored vertical lines then its high time to change your screen as your current screen is on the way, i mean its getting faulty.

2. Try resetting your memory module on a different slot, if your laptop is taking too much time and if this does not solve then try using a different memory module in your laptop and see if the setup stuck again.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #108329

How to reformat and fix the multiple problem of a laptop?


First of all, the problem with your display having vertical lines cannot be related with our windows and thus cannot be solved by reformatting. You will have to send your laptop for servicing to solve that. If it has warranty you can contact your dealer for free servicing. And for your slow performance, it could be solved by reformatting.

To reformat your windows XP, you’ll have to insert the XP CD in the drive, start the PC, enter BIOS and set the CD/DVD drive as first boot device, save and reboot again. Press any key to boot from CD when prompted. The setup will start. Follow instructions, select clean install when asked and select your C drive when prompted. Select Format partition using NTFS file system (quick) when asked. Follow the instruction to the end of the installation, then when completed install the drivers and softwares you need.

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