How i will configure my adsl modem?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Previously I was using plug n play Internet modem but speed was not fast. So I signed up for a new connection where I needed ADSL modem. So I bought ADSL modem from the market and I have to configure it. If I want to configure from the Internet company then I need to pay them extra.

My modem is Huawei SmartAX MT882a. Can anyone please help me configure it and install it and then I can use fast Internet. Its a cable modem not wireless.

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #128032

How i will configure my adsl modem?


Regardless of what kind of Internet modem your going to use, the Internet speed will not increase. This depends on what the Internet plan, speed you've subscribed to.

Get what you paid for, is what is going to happen in this situation. But there's still a way to improve the Internet browsing, if the modem you have has a built-in firewall, you may disable this feature. This won't filter all incoming/outgoing Internet and less traffic.

However, disabling firewall will also be risky because less firewall protection means high risk of computer intruders to get in.

You can run a speed test and check what speed you should get. Call your ISP provider and ask what speed you should have.

Clear all your cookies, history, cached files and forms data. This improves your browsing with less interruptions.

Answered By 0 points N/A #128034

How i will configure my adsl modem?


For ADSL connection you should have a filter splitter connected on your phone socket. A filter splitter is usually a small white box with two ports, one for your phone and another for your modem. Your phone should be connected on the port where it says local phone and the modem will be connected on the port where it says ADSL using a dsl cable.

Once you have connected the modem to the phone line, now you need an Ethernet cable to connect the modem to the computer then plug it into a power socket. once lights are good on your modem open any browser like internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, safari, etc.

Once you have the browser up delete everything that's written on the address bar and type in It will then ask for a username and password. The default username will be admin and the default password is password.

You will be directed to the Huawei configuration page then on the menu on the left side select basic then under basic click on WAN settings. Make sure settings are correct. under PVC click on the Pop up menu next to active and select yes. Encapsulation should be set to PPPoE. on Login information you will now be typing in the username and the password that was given to you by your ISP then click submit on the bottom part of the page.

You can now exit the browser and you have successfully configure your new Huawei SmartAX MT882a and start browsing the net.

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