How Do I Increase My Image Size?

I am uploading my image as a jpg file in a form. The form is not accepting it as it is less in terms of Kb. How do I increase its size?

I am uploading my image as a jpg file in a form. The form is not accepting it as it is less in terms of Kb. How do I increase its size?
In case your image is not any form of sensitive data, i.e., signature, photos of friends and family that you would not like to take the risk for or some Id proof, using an online platform for this makes things simpler. The method shared below uses LunaPic to resize an image in terms of Kbs.
1) Type in in the search box.
2) Click on Quick Upload button.
3) Select Camera if you want to click an image or select Choose File if it is in your computer.
4) Suppose you clicked on Choose File.
5) Select the photo which you want to resize.
6) Click on Open; this opens the image in LunaPic.
7) Click on Set File Size button.
8) Type in size in the textbox according to your requirements.
9) Click on Resize File button.
10) Click on Save button.
If you are uploading an image to a website but the upload is rejecting your file because the size or the file size is too small, you need to increase its file size. To increase the file size, try resizing the image and make it bigger. The bigger the resolution or screen size of the image, the bigger the file size is.
Before resizing the image and make it bigger, check the upload form or upload page and see the smallest file size it accepts. Try increasing the screen resolution of the image and save it with a temporary file name. You can use Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office Picture Manager to edit or resize your image.
Once you reach the minimum accepted file size, you can then proceed on uploading the image.