Hello experts,
How to create a java validity fingerprint? This is a system that I really wish to create, like biometrics and other high technology programming software that can handle this kind of program. I am very amazed on how it works and I also want to create my own even if it is just a simple one. I hope you can share your ideas with me. Thank you.
How to create a java validity fingerprint?
Generate a signing certificate fingerprint, First generate a keystore file using command prompt.
C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0bin>keytool -genkey -v -keystore myrelease.keystore -alias alias_name.
Now, you need to generate a MD5 Fingerprint
C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0bin>keytool -genkey -v -keystore helloworld7.keys tore -alias alias_name -validity 10000.
keytool.exe -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:androiddebug.keystore" -storepass android -keypass android
How to create a java validity fingerprint?
Good Day. You are right, with all the technologies and all that are out in the market, biometrics are very amazing and also useful tool specially when it comes on security purposes. The easiest way for you to experience the said technology is to acquire laptop that has a fingerprint scanner. HP in particular released laptops that have the scanner built in. All you have to do is download the software for free on their website or update for the latest software.
There are also companies that sells products adopting the latest biometric technology. Check the following sites: