I would like to be able to view the history of every command I type into the DOS command prompt on my Windows machine. The problem is I do not have a clue how to do this. I am not sure if the command prompt actually saves all of the commands I type. How do I find out if the commands are being saved on a file somewhere? How can I activate the prompt to save any command I type?
How to Activate Windows Command Prompt History
Unfortunately, windows command prompt history cannot be stored when the session ends, rather the history can be viewed before closing the session. And below are some ways to view the command prompt history:
1) You can press F7 key on the keyboard whiles the command prompt is open to view all history.
2) While in the command prompt, you can type "doskey /history > history.txt
How to Activate Windows Command Prompt History
I don’t think this thing you want is possible because the history of the commands you used or executed in the command prompt only lasts or exists while the command prompt window is open. When you close or exit the command prompt window, so goes the command history and you cannot recover them back. Also, the command history is not for every command.
I mean, you can see the previous commands you used in the command prompt but it is not detailed as to see the different switches you applied for a particular command. You can see the history of the commands you used in the command prompt by pressing either the up or down arrow key. You can do this only within the command prompt window.
The left and right arrow keys allow you to navigate within the command you selected so you can add or insert other switches.