Functions of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)

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What are the responsibilities or functions of the file connection layer in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) ideal source? File link layer has been seen above the physical layer; however, it is under the system layer and how does the key-based cryptography ensure the validity of file changed over the system?

Answered By 10 points N/A #94822

Functions of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)


The file connection layer in the OSI model, which is otherwise known as the transport layer has the following functions:

  • It is used to provide a transparent transfer of data from one end user to another on the network.
  • It also makes sure that the data transfer service is reliable when being delivered to the upper layers.
  • It is mandated to control the reliability of a select link, and it does that using flow control, use of segments and checking errors in the connection.
  • Another notable function of this layer is to provide acknowledgement whenever there is successful data transmission and continuous transmission of data in case no errors are reported.

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