Dear Techyv Experts,
I am unable to get bubble numbers for Microsoft Word through insert symbol option, do I need to install any particular font for that. If so please provide me the name of the font and the location in internet, where it can be easily and freely downloaded.
Glenda W Larson
Font that supports bubble numbers for Microsoft Word
I'm not sure if there is an option to insert Bubble Numbers in Word. However, you can insert Word-Bubble speech by clicking on File and then Open to open the document that you want to add the word-bubble speech or click New if you wish to create a new document. Under the Insert> Shapes and then locate your desired word-bubble illustration on the Callouts section. Click the word-bubble shape to insert it on your document. When you insert it the thumbnail, you will see the cursor inside the bubbles where you can type your text.
If you want to add a bubble numbers, you can try visiting for a list of fonts available for MS Word. If the option to insert speech bubbles in Word is not available, try to reinstall MS Word.