Error While Opening Visio document through Visio SDK 2010
Hi TechyV buddies!
I am having some problem in opening a visio document via visio SDK 2010 in sharepoint2010. I have placed the visio document on the hard disk of the sharepoint server and the path is: "D:abcBasicFlow.vdw". In opening the document, I use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.dll of the Visio SDK 2010. I also tried opening it on console application. However, when I try to write it on the sharepoint 2010, it suddenly crashes. I don’t know what went wrong with it. Can anyone help me solve this issue if ever you have encountered the same problem? I have tried to look for solutions but I cannot find any on the web. I also tried to solve it by automating it or reprogramming visio but I end up receiving a COM exception when opening it I am out of the idea of what went wrong. So please help me. I would really appreciate any effort in helping me solve this. Thank you!