Error 123D cannot save intermediate project file

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -


123D Catch has a sample project that I wanted to test with. So I opened the sample project and tried to run it on 123D Catch. This resulted in 2 errors. Both errors are shown below. What causes these kinds of errors and how do I solve them?

Cannot save the intermediate project file. Check your access rights or disk space

The application cannot write on local disk.

Answered By points N/A #177628

Error 123D cannot save intermediate project file


Hello Gary,

The problem is occurring when you try to save anything. It is a common error in Windows 7 / Vista / 8 when the program has no administrative power to save any changes into the PC.

As your program don’t have administrative permission, it is unable to save the files.

Close the program. Then, from the shortcut menu, right-click on the shortcut and select “Run as administrator”.

Then re-apply the save. It should work now.

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