Error 1068 Dependency Service Or Group Failed To Start.

My Windows is unable to start the print spooler service, how to fix it? How to remove error 1068 dependency service or group failed to start?

My Windows is unable to start the print spooler service, how to fix it? How to remove error 1068 dependency service or group failed to start?
To fix error 1068 follow the instructions given below:
• Open Registry Editor by searching it in the search bar.
• At the left side of the Registry Editor Window click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
• Find SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSpooler key.
• See that Spooler key is highlighted or highlight it, find DependOnService on the right side of the window.
• Click on String value.
• The Value data field has text ‘RPCSS’ followed by ‘http’ in the next line.
• Delete ‘http’ and click on ok.
• Close all the applications and restart your computer.
If you receive the message “Error 1068: The dependency or group failed to start the WLAN Auto Config service on the local computer” and your WLAN service won’t start, here’s a workaround. Click “Start” then in the search box type without quotes “regedit”. In the search result, right-click “regedit” then select “Run as administrator.” In the Registry Editor window, go to this location:
On the right of the screen, look for and double-click “DependOnService.” Under “Value data,” delete everything except for “Afd” then click “OK.”
Next, navigate to this location on the registry:
The same thing, look for and double-click “DependOnService.” Under “Value data,” delete everything then click “OK.”
Exit the Registry Editor window and restart the computer. See if this fixes the problem. On the other hand, if you receive the same message “Error 1068: The dependency or group failed to start” but for the Print Spooler service, here’s a workaround. Click “Start,” “All Programs,” “Accessories” then right-click “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator.”
In the command prompt window, type the following commands then hit Enter after every command:
net stop spooler
sc config spooler depend= RPCSS
net start spooler
Try it again and see if it works.