Error 0xC0070643 on AVG 2012

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I used AVG 2012 on my Vista PC. My problem is, I noticed that it’s always showing a “Not Active” status and also, the protection is always set to Disabled. And then I saw an error 0xC0070643. What should I do?

Answered By 25 points N/A #102627

Error 0xC0070643 on AVG 2012



I found multiple solutions for your problem


1. Download and install a registry fixer & cleaner because sometimes some programs or viruses change the registry entries to make soft wares to malfunction here is the link what i am using (please use the free one but if you have money you can use the other packages.)

2. If you have multiple anti-viruses please delete other because it may cause interruption on AVG.

3. Delete the entire virus that you have stored on AVG, and then uninstall it completely and then install it again.

4. Update you antivirus always to avoid this from happening again.

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