Download And Install Cr Runtime 64bit_13_0_2 MSI

What is crystal report and can I design reports with the help of crystal report? What is crystal report runtime and what are the steps to download, and install cr runtime 64bit_13_0_2 MSI?

What is crystal report and can I design reports with the help of crystal report? What is crystal report runtime and what are the steps to download, and install cr runtime 64bit_13_0_2 MSI?
A crystal report is a tool that is mainly used in business to design reports. Reports can be created in windows form as well as The reporting tool is free of cost, and anyone can use it for reporting purposes. Yes, it is a tool for generating reports only. To run CR (crystal report), you need to first install crystal report runtime engine on your machine. This engine contains all the useful libraries and all the required functions which are beneficial for generating reports.
Once you download crystal report and runtime from its official site, then you need to login to your pc if not as an administrator. You need to have the same version of crystal report runtime and crystal report according to your operating system 32-bit or 64-bit. Download the zip and open the .msi file by double-clicking. Click on next and keep following the instruction, and it will be successfully installed.