Difference 3G, edge and 4G

I need the best connection for my office mobile phone. Which would you recommend using? 3G, edge or 4G?

I need the best connection for my office mobile phone. Which would you recommend using? 3G, edge or 4G?
Difference between 3G and 4G
The main difference between 3G and 4G is speed. 3G speed is slower that 4G. 3G means 3rd Generation and 4G means 4th Generation. Both are packet switching network.
3G speeds is 5.8mb/s to 14 mb/s otherwise 4G speed is 100 mb/s to 1gb/s. So here speed is so important to find out the difference between them. these speeds are only reachable with wired LANs. 4G technology is still not within reach of all people. But in the near future it is expected that it will reach everywhere . 3G video call to ride in a revolutionary change in our life brings.
If you are looking for the best connection for your Smartphone, EDGE definitely is not the answer. EDGE and GPRS are almost the same when it comes to speed. Of course, you can still browse the web with your mobile phone but the speed is only good for earlier versions of mobile sites that are lighter than the mobiles sites nowadays are. EDGE stands for “Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution” is the next version after GPRS, known also as “General Packet Radio Services”.
GSM or “Global System for Mobile Communications” is the standard type of digital cellular networks and is the second generation network or 2G. Because GSM was really designed for handsets and browsing the web will be very poor, it was later expanded to what now known as GPRS and EDGE. Other term for EDGE is EGPRS. 3G was the next version after EDGE was improved. With 3G, mobile browsing is now very possible with a much faster speed. It was followed after by the fourth generation network or 4G which is really fast compared to 3G. It is now very possible to reach 12 Mbps of network speed.
Thanks guys, your comments were very approachable. Comparable discussion of 3G and 4G was informative and helped me determine which one will be convenient for my mobile office phone. Analyzing your comments, I eventually decided that 4G is comparatively well for its stunning display and blistering performance, as well as looks amazing. Thanks one more time for your conceivable comments.