Corruption of files in MS PowerPoint

Sometime I get message from a PowerPoint that "PowerPoint was unable to display some of the text, images, or objects on slides in the file, "xxxx.ppt".
Is file corrupt?
How can I retrieve data.

Sometime I get message from a PowerPoint that "PowerPoint was unable to display some of the text, images, or objects on slides in the file, "xxxx.ppt".
Is file corrupt?
How can I retrieve data.
Above error MSG arises from corrupted files. Corruption occurs because of many reasons.
1. Is your required file downloaded from the internet or sent by someone through email ?
Ans If your answer is yes. It may have a virus infected file. Asks the sender to zip the file by using Microsoft windows XP built in zip function. And resend to you, if your answer is nap then go to other point#2.
2. In which version of PowerPoint you created your file?
Ans If you are using PowerPoint 2003 and trying to open it some older version then update PowerPoint first by Clicking on Help menu and install critical update for PowerPoint 2003.if your answer is nope then going to point#3.
3. If any thing does not work so do not need to worry. Technology makes it possible to overcome our daily software problems. There is need to use a Recovery tool many PowerPoint Recovery tool are available on the internet.Â
To check xx.ppt file is corrupt or not, Start PowerPoint in safe mode.Â
If you will able to view your presentation in safe mode that means your file is not corrupt.Â
In case unable to see the presentation in safe mode, your PowerPoint file is corrupt.
To repair corrupt PowerPoint file, you can try any PowerPoint repair utility.