I was trying to install Citrix EdgeSight Server 5.3 and I encountered an error preventing the setup from continuing. The error is shown below. Any solutions?
Cannot connect to internet information server. {-2147221164}
Citrix EdgeSight Server 5.3 installation error
The problem can be solved by two ways
First way:-
1 > Add the roles IIS and Message Queuing on a Stand alone SQL Server.
2 > Install only EdgeSight database not any other database.
3 > Remove the IIS and the Message Queuing from this current Database server without the roles.
The second way to solve this problem is:-
1 > Do not run the EdgeSight database installation from the SQL server itself but run the installation from a server with IIS and Message Queuing installed
2 > Then locate to the remote SQL server when you start installing the EdgeSight database.
3 >Â Installs the EdgeSight database on the SQL servers without IIS and the Message Queuing being enabled on the SQL server.