Cannot create Rules in MS outlook

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


We are exercising an Exchange server, on the other hand many of our customers are having problems to linking the Exchange server. I have attempted creating  the mail profile however it cannot locate the Exchange server entirely. If we disable the customers firewall it is either not answers the issue.

Extra users have no problems entirely and I can ping the Exchange server from the troubled clients with no troubles as well.

How can I connect these clients again with the Exchange?

Answered By 0 points N/A #133973

Cannot create Rules in MS outlook


Hello Mr Joseph Clark,

As we all know that MS outlook's definition is to Integrate's personal and workgroup e-mail automatically with contacts, tasks and appoinments. Presently dedicated to Microsoft Office suite.There are so many causes on why you cannot create rules in MS outlook, you might not have sufficient space to store all of your rules.
You can fix this problem if this is suitable with the cause I have mentioned earlier, to determine the size limit for rules in a mailbox look for the Exchange Management Shell and run the following: get-mail-box-identity [mail box] / fl *rulesquota*.This utility will definitely awesome and gives additional functionality for viewing and storing messages.If the current size limit is less than 256 kilobytes run this steps: set-mailbox-identity [mailbox] RulesQuota 256kb.
Steele Ney

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