Can I resize many images on Gimp at once?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a lot of pictures to resize fast, I use the free software Gimp on Linux interface, the question is how to resize them all at once? if not can somebody tell me if there is any other free software that can do it.


Answered By 0 points N/A #125905

Can I resize many images on Gimp at once?



Unfortunately Augustine,
There are no built in batch processing feature for these. But, luckily there is a plugin just for that. Proceed to DBP’s website (David's Batch Processor) Just download and install the appropriate version for your system. There are a lot of versions so if some might not work for you then just download another version.
With this tool you can also turn, blur, color and sharpen images with the use of this tool.
To start select the files you want to resize. Then click the Resize tab and choose resize aspect ratio or set the absolute width and height whichever you prefer. Continue and press Start to begin the batch process.
Good luck with organizing your photos.

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