Unable to Deploy CS5.5 Design Premium

I have found it hard to deploy CS5.5 Design Premium into our teaching machines. I tried using the Application Manager Enterprise Edition to package the software and then put this on our network then using windows group policy to deploy the software to our workstations. However, I am not still successful in deploying it. Could you suggest something to me for this to get fixed? Please look at other details below. Thank you!
These are the entries I found.———– Payload: {24586955-A50A-4E76-AF2C-7F8EB833FBB1} Adobe Illustrator CS5.1_AdobeIllustrator15_1en_GBLanguagePack ———–
FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract '\devdomainudeAppsAdobeCreative SuiteAdobe CS5.5 Design PremiumBuild\SetuppayloadsAdobeIllustrator15_1en_GBLanguagePackA ssets1_1.zip' to 'C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobeInstallersadobeTemp{24586955-A50A-4E76-AF2C-7F8EB833FBB 1}'. Error: Error 64 The specified network name is no longer available.
ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
ERROR: DW050: – Adobe Illustrator CS5.1: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
ERROR: DW050: – Adobe Illustrator CS5.1_AdobeIllustrator15_1en_GBLanguagePack: Install failed
FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract '\devdomainudeAppsAdobeCreative Suite 5.5Adobe CS 5.5Build\SetuppayloadsAdobeFlash11.5-en_USLanguagePackAssets1_1. zip' to 'C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobeInstallersadobeTemp{970C9F3A-39C5-480B-BE51-7C70AB9F84D B}'. Error: Error 64 The specified network name is no longer available.
ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
ERROR: DW050: – Adobe Flash CS5.5_AdobeFlash11.5-en_USLanguagePack: Install failed
ERROR: DW050: – Adobe Flash CS5.5: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure