Can I customize my blog?

I have blog at Blogger and I want to change the design of my template. Can I customize the template of my blog? What if I want to add CSS code on it does CSS language works on Blogger?

I have blog at Blogger and I want to change the design of my template. Can I customize the template of my blog? What if I want to add CSS code on it does CSS language works on Blogger?
Hi Abigail Jackson
Blogger is a great site to create blogs and fully customize them according to your taste and requirement.
If you have a blog the n to customize its template just log in to www.
Select your blog and go to template option at the left side of page
Here you have two options either you can customize through predefined templates and colors or you can also use Edit HTML option to customize by using CSS.
In Predefined templates of Customize option you can change templates, back grounds, layouts, fonts , font colors and widths of your blog.
But if you are a CSS expert then you can do many more. You can add new bars, add your pictures in back ground and add menus. It all depends upon your skill level
But always save your default HTML code as a backup.
Below given link will help you to add different code of CSS
I hope it will be helpful.