Burn Process failed at 8x

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi experts,

I found the above error message when I tried to use Nero software. Need to solve it.

Please help.

Nero Burning ROM

Burn process failed at 8x (11.080 KB/s)



Best Answer by Carl Jack
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #140440

Burn Process failed at 8x


Hallo Carol,

Such an error occurs because of one of the following two reasons:

  • The disc you are burning the files to is corrupt. The reason for that could be due to scratches, accumulation of dust and so forth. You will therefore need to use a clean piece of cloth and try to wipe the disc clean and see if it will work after that.
  • The files you may be burning to the disc may be having issues. In case it is an image file then you will have to make sure that you copied it well. Broken files usually result to such errors.
  • Also try burning the files to an alternative disc and see if that will solve the problem.





Answered By 0 points N/A #140441

Burn Process failed at 8x



Dear User,

Check these,

·Try burning the same files in to another disc.

·Try using another Application for burning purposes , so you can make sure and reinstall Nero

·Try changing your burning speed

·  If none of the above doesn’t work. This may well be a hardware related problem.

So Verify this with your hardware provider

Thank you

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