Best free disk mapping software that will support windows server 2008
I am using a server based network, can anyone suggest me the best free disk mapping software that will support Windows Server 2008
I am using a server based network, can anyone suggest me the best free disk mapping software that will support Windows Server 2008
       JDiskReport is the best free disk mapping software that support            Â
1.  Window (including Windows Server 2008)
2.  Mac OS x
3.  Linux
4.  Solaris and Java enables operating systems.
5.  It requires Java 5 or higher version installed.
`     JDisk Report has following features    Â
1.  It is light and simple to use.
2.  It has different graph options. You can view the folder using Pi Chart, Ring Chart, Bar Chart or detail table view.
3.  It shows top 50 files in any folder, its size distribution and modified distribution.
4.  It is free open source. You can download it free, install and use.